Author: Mike Mitchelson

Chiapas chow down

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Posting’s been sporadic lately. Been a one-man-band at work with a couple writers leaving the company—y’know, my real job. They’re the smart ones. Not to worry, Harold remains in the office. Now to keep him away from…

Tiburon delivers a blowout

This is the first post by guest commentator Nick Wilson, also known in medical circles as Dr. Love. Keep your sphincters clenched, people. Nick will soon be set loose in a hospital near you.—Lewis Scourge of the Salsa Shark If…

Good little consumers…

George Dubya woulda been proud of us this weekend. Yep, we heeded his 9/11 rallying cry (“Go out and shop!) with Midwestern abandon this weekend. Meaning, the lady friend and I (and her visiting parents) went out to eat Friday…

Freezer jam port sauce

See all those jars? That’s all strawberry freezer jam, friends. It just might take me years to consume all that. Not that it’s bad—it’s quite delicious, actually. But I don’t eat jam with any regularity, and this stuff, being freezer…

And we’re back…again

Oh, that lovely combination of electrical-leading-to-computer meltdown and magazine deadlines. That’s what I get for living in a 108 year-old building. I can’t even blame the landlord. I own my own flat. (I’m not bragging that I own a place.…