Author: Mike Mitchelson

Beer No. 26

By Harold Overconsumption. It’s not a real word. And even if it were, it’s not one you’d hear out of my mouth. It implies too much consumption, as if there were such a thing. Consumption, let me remind you, is…

Grilled swordfish. Oh yeah.

By Lewis Lookie there. Them’s slabs of swordfish I bought at Coastal a while back. Again, I’m late with the post. Can’t remember the last time I cooked swordfish. Nice stuff. But not that pretty steak you’d have on your…


Goodness! This last issue (the day job) was a doozie. Following around restaurant developers on their latest project. Diving into immigration debate. Other fun topics. No time for blogging. But I’m coming around now after a couple nights decent sleep…

For dessert, eye candy

As you might have noticed, The Bloated Belly staff slacked off for a bit. Like a good laxative, Harold returns us to regularity. — Lewis It’s Friday, the sun is shining, and our thoughts, naturally, turn to beer swilling and…

A Rebours: Yeah, it’s still got it

My crappy mood continuing last Friday—along with everyone else at the office, after everyone’s annual review during the week, then a company meeting to reinforce our direction (i.e. keep driving ad sales, editorial content is secondary), I felt like blowing…

Maverick behavior

When you’re low, sometimes it’s all about returning to the familiar. A favorite movie, a worn out pair of pants, copious amounts of booze, an ex-lover’s bed. Or all of the above? But when you’re at work and that beaten-down…

Breaking the seal

Look who crawled out of the gutter! Harold returns.—Lewis It’s been awhile since my last post. I’ve been in something of a late winter funk, more cynical than usual (as if that’s possible), and generally feeling less than creative. Maybe…